*Each course would take place once per week from 6-9:30 p.m. on a weeknight or in a Special Mini-Weekend Intensives (Friday night 6-10 p.m. all day Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.). Fall Semester would be 12 weeks from mid-September to beginning of December.  Winter Semester would be 12 weeks from beginning of January to end of March.  Spring Semester would be 6 weeks from beginning in April to mid-May.   

Suggested order but can be taken in any order

  • Biblical Interpretive Methods: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Old Testament Overview: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • New Testament Overview: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • One Old Testament and One New Testament Bible Book (course of their choosing at any time): 6 (2 Credits) or 12 weeks each (4 Credits).

  • Spiritual Disciplines: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Church History: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Christian Theology: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Understanding Denominations - Doctrine and History: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Christian Thought and Worldview: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Becoming a Change Agent and City Reaching: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • World Religions: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Christian Apologetics and Outreach: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

*Four years to complete


Each course would take place once per week from 6-9:30 p.m. on a weeknight or in a Special Mini-Weekend Intensives (Friday night 6 -10 p.m.-all day Saturday 9 a.m-5 p.m.).  Fall Semester would be 12 weeks from mid-September to beginning of December.  Winter Semester would be 12 weeks from beginning of January to end of March.  Spring Semester would be 6 weeks from beginning in April to mid-May.   

Suggested order but can be taken in any order (Rotates between Old and New Testaments in mostly chronological order of the biblical events)

  • Genesis: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Mark: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Job: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Luke: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Exodus: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Mathew: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Leviticus and Numbers: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • John: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Acts: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • James: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Deuteronomy: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Galatians: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Joshua, Judges, and Ruth: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • I Corinthians and II Corinthians: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • I Samuel: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • I Thessalonians and II Thessalonians: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • II Samuel: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Romans: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • I Kings and II Kings: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • I Chronicles and II Chronicles: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Titus, I Timothy, and II Timothy: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Hebrews: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Psalms: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Jonah, Obadiah, Zephaniah, and Habukkuk: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • I John, II John, and III John: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Isaiah: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • I Peter, II Peter, and Jude: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Amos, Joel, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zechariah: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Jeremiah and Lamentations: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Daniel: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

  • Ezekiel: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Revelation: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Ezra, Haggai, Esther, and Nehemiah: 12 weeks (4 Credits)

  • Malachi and the Intertestamental Period: 6 weeks (2 Credits)

Note: Biblical Interpretive Methods: 12 weeks (4 Credits); Old Testament Overview: 12 weeks (4 Credits); New Testament Overview: 6 weeks (2 Credits) from the Leadership Track can all three be included in the Bible Track Certificate or Diploma Levels if desired.

A customized Ordination/Licensing Track is also offered by the City Vision Institute in partnership with Mission River.  Here’s how the process works:

STEP ONE: Pay $100 fee for a Customized Ordination/License Evaluation and we will examine your prior educational, working/job/business, and church experiences.   From this Customized Evaluation Process we will determine where you are at and what gaps remain in your process towards your ordination/licensing creating your own Customized Ordination/License Completion Program.  You must also agree to the City Vision Institute’s Statement of Faith.

STEP TWO: From your own Customized Ordination/License Completion Program you may be asked to take some courses from either the Bible Track or from the Leadership Track or some special course modules from the Ordination/License Track Courses below:

  • Ministerial Ethics

  • Leadership Guidelines

  • Church Planting

  • Preparing and Preaching Bible Messages

  • Church Business Practices

  • Introduction to Pastoral Counseling

  • Missions: Global and Glocal

  • Other Special Learning Modules

Delivery Methods: These special course modules may be in a variety of forms:

Special Mini-Weekend Intensives (Friday night 6-10 p.m.-all day Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.).
Hands on experiential Mentorship/Apprenticeship/Internship/Coaching.
Special Seminars and Retreats.

STEP THREE: Once your Customized Ordination/License Completion Program is completed you will be asked to write your own complete Statement of Doctrine/Faith.  With your own Statement of Doctrine/Faith you will be asked to present your theological positions in an oral interview with the Mission River Ordination Committee.  When you are approved by this Committee you will  be granted your formal Ordination/License in a public celebration ceremony with your friends and family.  At this time you will be able to use the formal title Reverend legally and be able to perform public certain rights and ceremonies and also receive IRS legal tax deductions and other benefits.  Upon you’re receiving your Ordination/License from Mission River you will be required to submit a $200 annual fee to Mission River in order to keep your Ordinati
on/License current. 

Failure to pay the annual fee may lead to your Ordination/Licensing being suspended.



All City Vision Institute classes will be held at the partnership host site to be determined. All questions should be directed to the City Vision Institute.  Call us for questions at 612-396-3091 or at info@cvitc.org.  


Leadership Track Course - Biblical Interpretive Methods: 12 weeks (4 Credits)    
Thursday Nights 6:00-9:30 p.m.

  • Sept. 17

  • Sept. 24

  • Oct. 1

  • Oct. 8

  • Oct. 15

  • Oct. 22

  • Oct. 29

  • Nov. 5

  • Nov. 12

  • Nov. 19

  • Dec. 3

  • Dec. 10


Bible Track Course - Genesis: 12 weeks (4 Credits)
Tuesday Nights 6:00-9:30 p.m.

  • Jan. 5

  • Jan. 12

  • Jan. 19

  • Jan. 26

  • Feb. 2

  • Feb. 9

  • Feb. 16

  • Feb. 23

  • Mar. 1

  • Mar. 8

  • Mar. 15

  • Mar. 22


Leadership Track Course - Old Testament Overview: 12 weeks (4 Credits)
Thursday Nights 6:00-9:30 p.m.

  • Jan. 7

  • Jan. 14

  • Jan. 21

  • Jan. 28

  • Feb. 4

  • Feb. 11

  • Feb. 18

  • Feb. 25

  • Mar. 3

  • Mar. 10

  • Mar. 18

  • Mar. 24


Bible Track Course - Mark 6 weeks (2 Credits)
Tuesday Nights 6:00-9:30 p.m.

  • Apr. 5

  • Apr. 12

  • Apr. 19

  • Apr. 26

  • May 3

  • May 10


Leadership Track Course - New Testament Overview: 6 weeks (2 Credits)
Thursday Nights 6:00-9:30 p.m.

  • Apr. 7

  • Apr. 14

  • Apr. 21

  • Apr. 28

  • May 5

  • May 12


Audit Level: Cost: $220 for 12 week class and $110 for 6 week class.  Course Requirements: Students will still be asked to read the textbooks and attend the course and interact in class, but no additional assignments are necessary, but you will miss the accountability and additional learning that the Certificate Level Provides and the course will not count towards the Certificate completion program.

Certificate and Diploma Levels: Cost: $270 for 12 week class and $135 for 6 week class.  Course Requirements: We recommend Certificate level for students looking to fully engage with all that the City Vision Institute has to offer.  You will be required to do all the textbook readings and assignments (See syllabus for each course for details).  Total homework will be just several hours per week including the reading.  

In order to earn the Certificate in either track:
Bible or Leadership Tracks, students will need to fully successfully complete 20 credits in their track.  Upon the completion of the 20 credits the student will be granted Certificate Level Recognition.

In order to earn the Diploma in either track:
Bible or Leadership Tracks, students will need to fully successfully complete 38 credits in their track.  Upon the completion of the 38 credits the student will be granted Diploma Level Recognition.

Continuing Education Units (CEU) credits:
If you are a Christian school teacher or ministry staff member who needs to earn CEU credits, we can provide you with the proper certification you will need.  Let us know prior to the first class if this is your intent.
Credit Level (College/Graduate Level):
Cost: $525 per class.  Course Requirements: 2 additional textbooks for college level and 3 additional textbooks for graduate level.  Final paper assignment of 15 pages (see syllabus).  Each school will determine amount of credited granted and will transfer the credits accordingly.  Could be taken as an Independent Study Transfer Credit or other degree program credits.  Check with your school and obtain proper paperwork and must notify us before course begins.  Note: your school may have other additional costs for transfer of credits, etc.  Please check with your college/graduate school/seminary degree program about this.    

Ordination/License Track Level:
Cost: $270 per module or $135 per course from the Bible Track or from the Leadership Track or $350 from the Special Course Modules from your Customized Ordination/License Completion Program.      

All courses include the costs for textbooks (except for the Credit Level-college or master’s level which will include several other textbooks).  Not included fees may include other special fees connected to the courses and Tracks (field trips, Tours, Ordination/License fees, etc.).


All courses are taught by college/seminary professors and pastors/leaders.

Biblical Interpretive Methods - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This course will cover Bible study methods and basic hermeneutics and cover various forms of biblical interpretation in the various biblical genres.  In addition, the course will also discuss the canonicity of Scripture and how the Bible came to be.  Other topics include Apocrypha writings, discussion of the pros and cons of various Bible translations, and Bible study tools.   

Old Testament Overview -
12 weeks (4 Credits):

This course will cover the basic sections, themes, and theology of the 39 biblical Old Testament books.  How the Old Testament connects to and influences the New Testament will also be discussed.   

New Testament Overview - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This course will cover the basic sections, themes, and theology of the 27 biblical New Testament books.  How the Old Testament connects to and influences the New Testament will also be discussed.

One Old Testament and One New Testament Bible Book (course of their choosing at any time) -

6 (2 Credits) or 12 weeks each (4 Credits):

See list of courses in the Bible Track

Spiritual Disciplines - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This course will cover the following topics to build your spiritual faith: Spiritual Gifts, prayer, fasting, silence, writing and giving your personal faith journey/testimony, generosity, hospitality, learning, praise and worship, Bible study and learning, solitude, fellowship, confession, submission and accountability, and sacrifice.   

Church History - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This course will cover the history of the Christian Church from the Book of Acts until today.  Major themes and personalities in the spread of the Gospel through world missions will also be a topic of discussion.  

Christian Theology - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This course will cover the 10 major doctrinal categories of systematic Christian theology: the Doctrine of Scripture (Bibliology); The Doctrine of God (Theology Proper); the Doctrine of Humanity (Anthropology); the Doctrine of Sin (Harmatiology); the Doctrine of Christ (Christology); the Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology); the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology); the Doctrine of Angels (Angelology, Satanology, and Demonology); the Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology); and the Doctrine of the Last Things (Eschatology).  

Understanding Denominations - Doctrine and History - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This course will cover the history and the major doctrines and rituals of the major denominations and branches of the Christian Church.   

Christian Thought and Worldview - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This is a course that will cover a discussion of what a Christian worldview should look like and how a Christian should live in their culture and how Christians should navigate the major issues of life.

Becoming a Change Agent and City Reaching - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This course will examine how a Christian becomes a change agent in their church, workplace, and community. How to impact your community through prayer, evangelism, outreach, Kingdom partnerships, and saturation church planting will also be discussed.  Exegeting your community and learning to have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” will be part of the course work in examining various people groups and their needs and aspirations.  A Discover Your City Tour will also be a field trip exercise in this course.  
World Religions - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This course will examine the history and key doctrines and rituals of the major non-Christian religions of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Animinism.  Special field trips to a Muslim mosque, Hindu temple, and Buddhist temple and other world religion sites will be part of the course.  Special emphasis on how to reach out and evangelize these religious groups will also be a key component in the course.   

Christian Apologetics and Outreach - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This course will cover the key arguments for the Christian faith and answering non-Christian arguments against Christianity and Christian difficulties. Outreach and evangelism principles and methodologies will also be discussed in the course.


All courses are taught by college/seminary professors and pastors/leaders.

Genesis - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The Book of Genesis is, in some ways, one of the most important books in the Bible.  To properly understand the entire Bible, one must clearly understand Genesis.  In fact, the New Testament quotes from Genesis at least 165 times. Key doctrine and themes discussed in this class will be: sin, redemption, justification, the fall, evil, Israel, the promise of the Messiah, creation, and covenants.  Key stories and characters in Genesis are: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.  The Book of Genesis also serves as the first book of the Pentateuch.          

Mark -6 weeks (2 Credits):

The Book of Mark serves as the briefest of the four Gospels studying the life of Christ and may be the oldest of the Gospels.  The major theme of the Book of Mark is Christ the Servant.  Many other key Christian doctrines and themes will also be discussed in this class as well as the difficulties with the end of the Book of Mark.  

Job - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The oldest written book in the Bible is Job. The book deals with the age-old question of the problem of evil and suffering. The book gives important insights into the work of Satan and into the character of God.

Luke - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The Book of Luke emphasizes the theme of Christ as the Son of Man that demonstrates Christ’s humanity and serves as a study of the life of Christ.  Many other key Christian doctrines and themes will also be discussed in this class.   

Exodus - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The second book of the Pentateuch, Exodus the theme of the deliverance from Egypt in fulfillment of God’s promise through the 10 plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea.  The book records the birth of the nation of Israel, the giving of the Ten Commandments and the Law, and the origin of ritual worship.

Matthew - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The Book of Matthew reflects the Gospel written to the Jews to answer their questions about Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be their Messiah.  Important sections include the Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes, and the Lord’s Prayer, the parables of the Kingdom, and the Olivet discourse.  The theme is in this study of the life of Christ is Christ as the King.  Many other key Christian doctrines and themes will also be discussed in this class.  

Leviticus and Numbers - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The third and fourth books of the Pentateuch will be discussed in this class.  Leviticus deals with the holiness of God and His requirements for fellowship with Himself.  Numbers deals with walking by faith, rebellion, and trusting God’s promises.  

John - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The book of John is the fourth Gospel and is non-synoptic.  This book discusses the Seven Signs-Miracles to reveal the person and mission of Jesus.  This book serves as a study of the life of Christ.  Many other key Christian doctrines and themes will also be discussed in this class.  The difficulties of John 7:53-8:11 will also be discussed.  

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

Three of the Wisdom Books of the Bible will be covered in this class.  Proverbs major theme is wisdom in everyday life.  Ecclesiastes covers both of the meaning and futility of life.  Song of Songs (Solomon) is a lyric poem in dialogue form discussing love and sexual relations but can be interpreted in a variety of ways.   

Acts - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The Book of Acts covers the early history of the Church and the missionary expansion spreading the Church in the form of the Great Commission.  Many key Christian doctrines and themes will also be discussed in this class.     

James - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

The first and oldest written book in the New Testament and written by the brother of Jesus.  This book is concerned with the practical aspects of Christian conduct and it tells us how faith works in everyday life. Faith and works, the use of our tongue, and prayer for the sick are some of the key themes in this book.

Deuteronomy - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The final book of the Pentateuch covers many important theological themes and doctrines.  In fact, Jesus quoted from this book to refute the devil and to summarize the Law.  Of the 27 New Testament books, 17 books quote from the Deuteronomy.     

Galatians - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This class will study the first and oldest of Paul’s Letters.  Many key Christian doctrines and themes such as justification of faith and the fruit of the Spirit are discussed in this class.  

Joshua, Judges, and Ruth - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

These three historical Old Testament books cover a variety of themes and key Christian doctrines.  Joshua covers the entering of the Promised Land. Judges covers a dark history in the transitional period before Israel’s monarchy where God raised up various military and civil judges in Israel to bring the country back to the Lord.  Ruth also takes place during the Judges period and covers the partial lineage of David and thus of Christ.    

I Corinthians and II Corinthians - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

These two important letters of Paul deal with many key Christian doctrines and themes such as the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, love, sexual and moral behavior, the resurrection of Christ, financial giving, as well as personal and autobiographical glimpses into Paul’s life.

I Samuel - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This book focuses on three principle characters: Samuel, Saul, and David. Well known stories include David and Goliath, David and Jonathan, and Saul and the witch of Endor.

I and 2 Thessalonians - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

These two important letters of Paul cover some key eschatological (end times) themes.  

II Samuel - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This book records the history of King David’s reign, including his making Jerusalem the political and religious center of the nation, the establishing of the Davidic dynasty, the Davidic Covenant with God, David’s great military victories, and his sin with Bathsheba, and his sin with his census taking.   

Romans - 12 weeks 4 Credits):

The longest, most formal, and most theological of Paul’s letters.  This book quotes the Old Testament over 50 times. Many key Christian doctrines and themes such as justification of faith, the righteousness of God, general revelation, universal sin, original sin, union with Christ, spiritual gifts, and respect for government.   

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

These four books of Paul are commonly referred to as the Prison Letters since they were all written during Paul’s Roman imprisonment.  Many  key Christian doctrines and themes such as spiritual gifts, predestination, Christ’s headship over the body, the Church, spiritual warfare, God as fully God and fully human, prayer, supremacy and all-sufficiently of Christ, and heresy.   

I Kings and II Kings - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

These two important Old Testament historical books trace the history of the kings of Israel and Judah from Solomon to the Babylonian captivity and include descriptions of Solomon’s wisdom and his dedication of the Temple, the ministries of Elijah and Elisha, revivals under Hezekiah and Josiah.   

Titus, I Timothy, and II Timothy -
6 weeks (2 Credits):

These three books of Paul are commonly referred to as the Pastoral Letters.  Many key Christian doctrines and themes such as pastoral care of churches and qualifications for ministers and elders, heresy, and the inspiration of Scripture.  

I Chronicles and II Chronicles -
12 weeks (4 Credits):

These two Old Testament historical books focus on the reigns of King David, Solomon, and all the kings of Judah to the Babylonian captivity.   

Hebrews -
6 weeks (2 Credits):

The theme of the Hebrews is the superiority of Christ and thus Christianity and includes the heroes of the faith passages.  Many key Christian doctrines and themes will be discussed in this class.  The mystery of the book’s authorship will also be discussed.  

Psalms - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This poetic book is often the favorite of many Christians.  The variety and types of songs, laments, and praises within the Book of Psalms will be discussed in the course.    

Jonah, Obadiah, Zephaniah, and Habukkuk - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

These four Minor Prophet books make up this course.  Jonah shows that God has concern for the whole world.  Obadiah is the shortest of the Old Testament books and covers judgments. Zephaniah also covers judgment and eschatology.  Habukkuk has a great psalm of praise in it and Habakkuk 2:4 is quoted often in the New Testament books of Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews.  

I John, II John, and III John -
6 weeks (2 Credits):

These three letters of John are covered in this class and cover the themes of light and darkness, children of God and children of the devil, love for God and one another, walking in Christ’s commandments, and heresy.  Many other key Christian doctrines and themes are discussed.

Isaiah - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The first of the Prophetic Books and a book that covers such key Christian themes and doctrines on eschatology, prophecy, and the Messiah.  

I Peter, II Peter, and Jude -
6 weeks (2 Credits):

These three important short General Letters cover many key Christian doctrines and themes such as the true grace of God in the life of the believer, heresies and false teachers, inspiration of Scripture, and eschatology.   
Amos, Joel, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zechariah - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

These six Minor Prophet books make up this course and cover the key Christian doctrines and themes of eschatology, prophecy, sin and judgment.  

Jeremiah and Lamentations -
12 weeks (4 Credits):

These two major Prophetic books cover many key Christian doctrines and themes such as eschatology, prophecy, sin and judgment, and the Messiah.

Daniel - 6 weeks (2 Credits):

This major Prophetic book contains stories about Daniel in the lion’s den and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into the fire.  Daniel also contains many key Christian doctrines and themes such as eschatology, angels, prophecy.     

Ezekiel - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

This major Prophetic book covers such key Christian themes and doctrines on eschatology, prophecy, and the Messiah.

Revelation - 12 weeks (4 Credits):

The Book of Revelation is one of the most intriguing and difficult books of the Bible contains many key Christian doctrines and themes such as eschatology, angels, Satan and demonology, prophecies, and Christ’s second coming.  Different ways to interpret Revelation will be discussed in this course.    

Ezra, Haggai, Esther, and Nehemiah -
12 weeks (4 Credits):

These four historical and prophetic books deal with the time of the captivity and the return from exile to Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem.  The difficulties in the Book of Esther will also be discussed.      

Malachi and the Intertestamental Period -
6 weeks (2 Credits):

This course will cover the final Minor Prophetic book and the final book of the Old Testament, Malachi.  Also covered in this class will be the study of the Intertestamental Period from 400 B.C. to the time of Jesus birth in 6-9 B.C.  Some of the key themes of this important 400 year period are: Jewish history, the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great and the rise of the Greek Empire, the rise of the Roman Republic and Empire, the Maccabees, the formation of the Pharisees, the formation of the Sadducees, the Essenes, the Scribes, Herodians, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha writings, and the everyday life in the time of Jesus and the New Testament.  


Contact:  612-396-3091