Contact:  612-396-3091


*Each course would take place once per week from 6-9:30 p.m. on a weeknight or in a Special Mini-Weekend Intensives (Friday night 6-10 p.m. all day Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.). Fall Semester would be 12 weeks from mid-September to beginning of December.  Winter Semester would be 12 weeks from beginning of January to end of March.  Spring Semester would be 6 weeks from beginning in April to mid-May.   

Suggested order but can be taken in any order

All courses are taught by college/seminary professors and pastors/leaders.

Biblical Interpretive Methods - 12 weeks (4 Credits):
This course will cover Bible study methods and basic hermeneutics and cover various forms of biblical interpretation in the various biblical genres.  In addition, the course will also discuss the canonicity of Scripture and how the Bible came to be.  Other topics include Apocrypha writings, discussion of the pros and cons of various Bible translations, and Bible study tools.   

Old Testament Overview - 12 weeks (4 Credits):
This course will cover the basic sections, themes, and theology of the 39 biblical Old Testament books.  How the Old Testament connects to and influences the New Testament will also be discussed.   

New Testament Overview - 6 weeks (2 Credits):
This course will cover the basic sections, themes, and theology of the 27 biblical New Testament books.  How the Old Testament connects to and influences the New Testament will also be discussed.

One Old Testament and One New Testament Bible Book (course of their choosing at any time) -
6 (2 Credits) or 12 weeks each (4 Credits):
See list of courses in the Bible Track

Spiritual Disciplines - 6 weeks (2 Credits):
This course will cover the following topics to build your spiritual faith: Spiritual Gifts, prayer, fasting, silence, writing and giving your personal faith journey/testimony, generosity, hospitality, learning, praise and worship, Bible study and learning, solitude, fellowship, confession, submission and accountability, and sacrifice.   

Church History - 6 weeks (2 Credits):
This course will cover the history of the Christian Church from the Book of Acts until today.  Major themes and personalities in the spread of the Gospel through world missions will also be a topic of discussion.  

Christian Theology - 12 weeks (4 Credits):
This course will cover the 10 major doctrinal categories of systematic Christian theology: the Doctrine of Scripture (Bibliology); The Doctrine of God (Theology Proper); the Doctrine of Humanity (Anthropology); the Doctrine of Sin (Harmatiology); the Doctrine of Christ (Christology); the Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology); the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology); the Doctrine of Angels (Angelology, Satanology, and Demonology); the Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology); and the Doctrine of the Last Things (Eschatology).  

Understanding Denominations - Doctrine and History - 12 weeks (4 Credits):
This course will cover the history and the major doctrines and rituals of the major denominations and branches of the Christian Church.   

Christian Thought and Worldview - 6 weeks (2 Credits):
This is a course that will cover a discussion of what a Christian worldview should look like and how a Christian should live in their culture and how Christians should navigate the major issues of life.

Becoming a Change Agent and City Reaching - 6 weeks (2 Credits):
This course will examine how a Christian becomes a change agent in their church, workplace, and community. How to impact your community through prayer, evangelism, outreach, Kingdom partnerships, and saturation church planting will also be discussed.  Exegeting your community and learning to have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” will be part of the course work in examining various people groups and their needs and aspirations.  A Discover Your City Tour will also be a field trip exercise in this course.  
World Religions - 12 weeks (4 Credits):
This course will examine the history and key doctrines and rituals of the major non-Christian religions of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Animinism.  Special field trips to a Muslim mosque, Hindu temple, and Buddhist temple and other world religion sites will be part of the course.  Special emphasis on how to reach out and evangelize these religious groups will also be a key component in the course.   

Christian Apologetics and Outreach - 12 weeks (4 Credits):
This course will cover the key arguments for the Christian faith and answering non-Christian arguments against Christianity and Christian difficulties. Outreach and evangelism principles and methodologies will also be discussed in the course.